Hokusai Anthology of Famous Pictures by Takamizawa - In the mid-1950s, the renowned Takamizawa Publisher released a reprint series of 49 of Hokusai prints. The series focused on Hokusai’s charming, atypical designs that were less commonly seen. From nature scenes and beauties to outstanding selections from Hokusai's "100 Views of Mt. Fuji" series, these expertly carved and printed designs beautifully capture the details of the Edo era originals. Printed with the attention to detail and exquisite quality of the Takamizawa Publisher, this rare reprint series is a collector’s delight.
Comments - Terrific Hokusai view of travelers struggling through a heavy snow in the Echigo District. A groom leads the horse by a rope along a mountain pathway his head down and snow covering the back of his straw raincoat. Other travelers can be seen making their way through the valley below. A beautifully detailed scene of the expansive winter landscape.
Woodblock reprints - In the 20th century, artists and publishers collaborated to recreate famous woodblock prints for interested Japanese collectors and Westerners looking for rare designs. New blocks were made, and the prints were painstakingly printed by artisan printers in the same method as the 19th century originals - one block for each color. Woodblock reprints were an opportunity to collect and enjoy a famous design at a small fraction of the price of an original. They still are today.
Artist - Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Image Size - 7 1/2" x 10 1/2" + margins as shown
Condition - This print with excellent color and detail as shown. Please see photos for details.