Fine printing from the respected Tokyo publisher Oedo Mokuhansha - These classic designs were produced by the well known Tokyo publisher Oedo Mokuhansha amidst a resurgence of interest in ukiyo-e. Like many of these traditional businesses, the woodblock print craft was passed down through generations, and the Oedo Mokuhansha company was formed by descendents of an Edo era publisher. These are nice prints of the highest quality standards and an excellent choice if you are looking for fine old woodblock reprints.
Comments - Fantastic Hiroshige pillar print with a strikingly modern, abstract feeling. This image depicts a fierce dragon emerging from a huge swirling black and gray cloud with touches of red flames. A dramatic design and a nice choice for display.
Artist - Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Image Size - 14 3/4" x 6 3/4" + margins as shown
Condition - Excellent overall with no issues to report.