5004 matches found
Bidding Details
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 45m402302
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 44m402242
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 43m402182
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 40m402002
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 39m401942
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 38m401882
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 36m401762
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 4d 15h 35m401702
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 34m401642
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 32m401522
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 31m401462
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 30m401402
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 29m401342
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 28m401282
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 27m401222
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $71.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 4d 15h 26m401162
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Rare, complete 12-panel 47 ronin print
Bid: $1195.00
Buy: $1425.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 25m401102
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 24m401042
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 23m400982
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 22m400922
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $245.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 21m400862
Hajime Namiki (born 1947)
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Beautiful, large format design
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 20m400802
Kunisada (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 19m400742
Yoshifuji (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 18m400682
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 17m400622
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $91.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 4d 15h 16m400562
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 15m400502
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 14m400442
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 13m400382
Kuniyasu (1794 - 1832)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 12m400322
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 11m400262
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 10m400202
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 9m400142
Toshinobu, Yamazaki (1857 - 1886)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 8m400082
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 7m400022
Shigekiyo (active circa 1860 - 1890)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 6m399962
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 5m399902
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $76.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 4d 15h 4m399842
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 3m399782
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 2m399722
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 15h 1m399662
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 15h 0m399602
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 59m399542
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 58m399482
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 57m399422
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 56m399362
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Bid: $33.97
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 4d 14h 55m399302
Sadanobu II (1848 - 1940)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 54m399242
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $30.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 4d 14h 53m399182
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 52m399122
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 14h 51m399062
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 50m399002
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 14h 49m398942
Kiyomasu I (active circa 1696 - 1716)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 48m398882
Buncho (active 1765 - 1792)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 47m398822
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 14h 46m398762
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $30.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 4d 14h 45m398702
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 44m398642
Edo era artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 43m398582
Eizan (1787 - 1867)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 14h 42m398522
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 41m398462
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 40m398402
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 39m398342
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 38m398282
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 37m398222
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 36m398162
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 35m398102
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 34m398042
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 33m397982
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 32m397922
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 31m397862
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 30m397802
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 29m397742
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 28m397682
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 27m397622
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 26m397562
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 25m397502
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 24m397442
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 23m397382
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 22m397322
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 21m397262
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 20m397202
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 19m397142
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $160.00
Buy: $210.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 18m397082
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 17m397022
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 16m396962
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 15m396902
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 14m396842
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 13m396782
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 12m396722
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 11m396662
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 10m396602
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Fixed Price
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Fixed Price
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Fixed Price
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 9m396542
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 8m396482
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 7m396422
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 6m396362
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 5m396302
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 4m396242
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 3m396182
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 2m396122
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 1m396062
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 14h 0m396002
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 59m395942
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 58m395882
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 57m395822
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 56m395762
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 55m395702
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Great design!
Bid: $370.00
Buy: $460.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 54m395642
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $270.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 53m395582
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $200.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 52m395522
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 51m395462
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fantastic, rare Kuniyoshi triptych
Bid: $955.00
Buy: $1165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 50m395402
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Rare Sadahide musha-e design
Bid: $495.00
Buy: $605.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 49m395342
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $315.00
Buy: $385.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 48m395282
Yoshitsuna (active circa 1848 - 1868)
Bid: $280.00
Buy: $350.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 47m395222
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $280.00
Buy: $350.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 46m395162
Shunsen (1762 - circa 1830)
Bid: $350.00
Buy: $420.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 45m395102
Eizan (1787 - 1867)
Bid: $350.00
Buy: $420.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 44m395042
Eizan (1787 - 1867)
Bid: $350.00
Buy: $420.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 43m394982
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fine shini-e portrait
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 42m394922
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Subtitle; Beautiful color and detail
Fixed Price
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Subtitle; Beautiful color and detail, first time offered
Fixed Price
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 41m394862
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 40m394802
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 39m394742
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 38m394682
Eishi (1756 - 1829)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 13h 37m394622
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kaoru Kawano (1916 - 1965)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 16h 6m317162
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 3d 16h 5m317102
Kiyomitsu Yoshida
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 16h 4m317042
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $42.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 3d 16h 3m316982
Nobukazu (1874 - 1944)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $68.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 16h 2m316922
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 16h 1m316862
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $56.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 3d 16h 0m316802
Shin-hanga & Modern artists (unsigned or not read)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 59m316742
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $76.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 3d 15h 58m316681
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $40.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 3d 15h 57m316621
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 56m316561
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 55m316501
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 54m316441
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 53m316381
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 52m316321
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 51m316261
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 50m316201
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 49m316141
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $29.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 3d 15h 48m316081
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $27.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 15h 47m316021
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $34.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 3d 15h 46m315961
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 45m315901
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 44m315841
Harunobu (1724 - 1770)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $35.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 15h 43m315781
Shunsho (1726 - 1792)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $29.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 15h 42m315721
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 41m315661
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 40m315601
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 39m315541
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 3d 15h 38m315481
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 37m315421
Yoshikane (1832 - 1881)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 15h 36m315361
Kobayashi Ikuhide (active circa 1885 - 1898)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 15h 35m315301
Domoto Insho (1891 - 1975)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 3d 15h 34m315241
Suzuki Kason (1860 - 1919)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 33m315181
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 32m315121
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 31m315061
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 30m315001
Masaya Watabe (born 1931)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 29m314941
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $107.52
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 3d 15h 28m314881
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 3d 15h 27m314821
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 15h 26m314761
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 3d 15h 25m314701
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $34.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 3d 15h 24m314641
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 23m314581
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 22m314521
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 21m314461
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 20m314401
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 19m314341
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 18m314281
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 17m314221
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 16m314161
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 15m314101
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 14m314041
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 13m313981
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Kunichika Genji opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 12m313921
Konobu II
Nice silver mica detail
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 11m313861
Mishima Shoso (1856 - 1928)
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 10m313801
Kajita Hanko (1870 - 1917)
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 9m313741
Kajita Hanko (1870 - 1917)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 8m313681
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 7m313621
Terazaki Kogyo (1866 - 1919)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 6m313561
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 5m313501
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Nice silver mica detail
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 4m313441
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 3m313381
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 2m313321
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 1m313261
Takeuchi Keishu (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $110.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 15h 0m313201
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 59m313141
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 58m313081
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 57m313021
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 56m312961
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 55m312901
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 54m312841
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 53m312781
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 52m312721
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 51m312661
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 50m312601
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 49m312541
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 48m312481
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 47m312421
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 46m312361
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 45m312301
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 44m312241
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 43m312181
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 42m312121
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 41m312061
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 40m312001
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 39m311941
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 38m311881
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 37m311821
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 36m311761
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 35m311701
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 34m311641
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 33m311581
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 32m311521
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 31m311461
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 30m311401
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 29m311341
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 28m311281
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 27m311221
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 26m311161
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 25m311101
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 24m311041
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 23m310981
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 22m310921
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 21m310861
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 20m310801
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 19m310741
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 18m310681
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 17m310621
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 16m310561
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 15m310501
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 14m310441
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 13m310381
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $250.00
Buy: $305.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 12m310321
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $280.00
Buy: $340.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 11m310261
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
From a French estate - with collector's seal
Bid: $270.00
Buy: $330.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 10m310201
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $110.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 9m310141
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $110.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 8m310081
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $110.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 7m310021
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 6m309961
Seikichi (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $230.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 5m309901
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 4m309841
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Great design, rare
Bid: $270.00
Buy: $330.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 3m309781
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $270.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 2m309721
Kobayashi Gentaro
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $200.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 1m309661
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $230.00
Buy: $280.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 14h 0m309601
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $230.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 59m309541
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 58m309481
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 57m309421
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 56m309361
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 55m309301
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 54m309241
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 53m309181
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 52m309121
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 51m309061
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 50m309001
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 49m308941
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 48m308881
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 47m308821
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $435.00
Buy: $525.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 46m308761
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $535.00
Buy: $655.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 45m308701
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 44m308641
Yamakawa Shuho (1898 - 1944)
Lovely beauty
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $395.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 43m308581
Nobuchika (active circa 1894 - 1895)
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $445.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 42m308521
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 41m308461
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 40m308401
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 38m308281
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 13h 37m308221
Sadanobu II (1848 - 1940)
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $395.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 29m228541
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $395.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 28m228481
Takeuchi Seiho (1864 - 1942)
Great series
Bid: $535.00
Buy: $645.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 27m228421
Takeuchi Seiho (1864 - 1942)
Great series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 26m228361
Takeuchi Seiho (1864 - 1942)
Great series
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 25m228301
Takeuchi Seiho (1864 - 1942)
Great series
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 24m228241
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 23m228181
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 22m228121
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 21m228061
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 20m228001
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 19m227941
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 18m227881
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 17m227821
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 16m227761
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 15m227701
Sadatora (active circa 1818 - 1844)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 14m227641
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 13m227581
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely Edo era triptych
Bid: $365.00
Buy: $445.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 11m227461
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 10m227401
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 9m227341
Toyokuni II (1777 - 1835)
Fine large beauty portrait
Bid: $375.00
Buy: $455.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 8m227281
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Excellent Yokohama-e design
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 7m227221
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 6m227161
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $111.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 2d 15h 5m227101
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 4m227041
Takeuchi Keishu (1861-1942)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 3m226981
Takeuchi Keishu (1861-1942)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 15h 2m226921
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 15h 1m226861
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 15h 0m226801
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 59m226741
Kobori Tomoto (Tomone) (1864 - 1931)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 58m226681
Kobori Tomoto (Tomone) (1864 - 1931)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 57m226621
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 56m226561
Terasaki Kogyo (1866 - 1919)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 55m226501
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 54m226441
Shuncho (active circa 1780 - 1795)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 53m226381
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 52m226321
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 51m226261
Kuniyasu (1794 - 1832)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 50m226201
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $37.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 14h 49m226141
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 48m226081
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 47m226021
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $40.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 14h 46m225961
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 45m225901
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 44m225841
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 43m225781
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 42m225721
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 41m225661
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 40m225601
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 39m225541
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 38m225481
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 37m225421
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 36m225361
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 35m225301
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 34m225241
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 33m225181
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 32m225121
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 31m225061
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 30m225001
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 29m224941
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 28m224881
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful color and detail
Bid: $475.00
Buy: $565.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 27m224821
Yoshiharu (1828 - 1888)
Great musha-e print
Bid: $375.00
Buy: $455.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 26m224761
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Great musha-e print
Bid: $315.00
Buy: $385.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 25m224701
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Dramatic musha-e design
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 24m224641
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 23m224581
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 22m224521
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $285.00
Buy: $345.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 21m224461
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 20m224401
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 19m224341
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 18m224281
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 17m224221
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 16m224161
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 15m224101
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 14m224041
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 13m223981
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 12m223921
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $315.00
Buy: $385.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 11m223861
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 10m223801
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 9m223741
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 14h 8m223681
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 7m223621
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Charming postcard print from the Uchida Publisher archives
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 5m223501
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 4m223441
Shufu Miyamoto (born 1950)
Breathtaking Miyamoto with fantastic mica detail, see photos
Bid: $410.00
Buy: $495.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 3m223381
Shufu Miyamoto (born 1950)
Bid: $565.00
Buy: $685.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 2m223321
Tsutomo Shimoyama (born 1945)
Fantastic, limited edition contemporary design
Bid: $485.00
Buy: $590.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 1m223261
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
Fantastic Joshua Rome snow scene
Bid: $950.00
Buy: $1140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 14h 0m223201
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
Bid: $790.00
Buy: $960.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 59m223141
Taikan Yokoyama (1868 - 1958)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 58m223081
Kayo Yamaguchi (1899 - 1984)
Fantastic contemporary cat design
Bid: $605.00
Buy: $745.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 57m223021
Seiji Sano (born 1959)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $210.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 56m222961
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $2375.00
Buy: $2850.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 55m222901
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1875.00
Buy: $2250.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 54m222841
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1675.00
Buy: $2025.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 53m222781
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1675.00
Buy: $2025.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 52m222721
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 51m222661
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fantastic five panel design
Bid: $455.00
Buy: $545.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 50m222601
Ginko (active 1874 - 1897)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 49m222541
Kuniyasu (1794 - 1832)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $210.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 48m222481
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fantastic, rare supernatural design
Bid: $975.00
Buy: $1175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 47m222421
Miyagawa Shuntei (1873 - 1914)
Fixed Price
Miyagawa Shuntei (1873 - 1914)
Fixed Price
Miyagawa Shuntei (1873 - 1914)
Fixed Price
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $550.00
Buy: $660.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 46m222361
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $275.00
Buy: $345.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 45m222301
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 44m222241
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 43m222181
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rare Chikanobu series
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 42m222121
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 41m222061
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 40m222001
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 39m221941
Ohara Shoson (1877 - 1945)
Fixed Price
Yamamoto Shoun (1870 - 1965)
Fixed Price
Komori Soseki (active circa 1920s - 1930s)
Fixed Price
Ito Shinsui (1898 - 1972)
Fixed Price
Leonard Tsuguharu Foujita (1886 - 1968)
Rare shin-hanga design
Fixed Price
20th century artist (not read)
Interesting uncut print sheet
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 38m221881
Tasaburo Takahashi (1904 - 1977)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $45.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 13h 37m221821
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fixed Price
Shiho Sakakibara (1887 - 1971)
Series best
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 9m140941
Shiho Sakakibara (1887 - 1971)
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 8m140881
Atsushi Uemura (born 1933)
Charming modern print
Bid: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 15h 7m140821
Okumura Togyu (1889 - 1990)
Beautiful large print, gold mica background
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $315.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 6m140761
Okumura Togyu (1889 - 1990)
Beautiful large print, gold mica background
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $315.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 5m140701
Tanigami Konan (1879 - 1928)
Fantastic large flower design
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $395.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 4m140641
Tanigami Konan (1879 - 1928)
Fantastic large flower design
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $395.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 3m140581
Kobayakawa Kiyoshi (1899 - 1948)
Classic shin-hanga beauty
Bid: $1185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 15h 2m140521
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $485.00
Buy: $585.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 1m140461
Edo era artist (not read)
Bid: $275.00
Buy: $335.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 15h 0m140401
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 58m140281
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 57m140221
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 56m140161
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 55m140101
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 54m140041
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 53m139981
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 52m139921
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 51m139861
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 50m139801
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 49m139741
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 48m139681
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 47m139621
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $230.00
Buy: $280.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 46m139561
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 45m139501
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 44m139441
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $213.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 1d 14h 43m139381
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 42m139321
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $307.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 11
Ends: 1d 14h 41m139261
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 14h 40m139201
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $96.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 14h 39m139141
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 38m139081
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $101.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 14h 37m139021
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $93.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 14h 36m138961
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $112.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 14h 35m138901
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $112.11
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 14h 34m138841
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 33m138781
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 32m138721
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 31m138661
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 30m138601
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 29m138541
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 28m138481
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 27m138421
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 26m138361
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 25m138301
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 24m138241
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 23m138181
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 22m138121
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 21m138061
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 20m138001
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 19m137941
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 18m137881
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 17m137821
Taku Harada
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 16m137761
Koho Ohuchi (born 1941)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 15m137701
Yoichi Watanabe (born 1951)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 14m137641
Eiji Ino (born 1949)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 13m137581
Takumi Itou
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 12m137521
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 11m137461
Eiji Ikema
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 10m137401
Kunichika (1835 - 1900) and Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 9m137341
Kunichika (1835 - 1900) and Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 14h 8m137281
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $430.00
Buy: $520.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 7m137221
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $260.00
Buy: $320.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 6m137161
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $590.00
Buy: $710.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 5m137101
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $360.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 4m137041
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $720.00
Buy: $860.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 3m136981
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $690.00
Buy: $840.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 2m136921
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Great musha-e design
Bid: $390.00
Buy: $470.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 1m136861
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Rare Gekko triptych
Bid: $380.00
Buy: $460.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 14h 0m136801
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 59m136741
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $285.00
Buy: $355.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 58m136681
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 57m136621
Yamamoto Shoun (1870 - 1965)
Lovely, rare beauty design
Bid: $690.00
Buy: $830.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 56m136561
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $360.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 55m136501
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Lovely color
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 54m136441
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $230.00
Buy: $280.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 53m136381
Kiyoshi Saito (1907 - 1997)
Large format, signed and numbered limited edition
Bid: $1065.00
Buy: $1285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 52m136321
Kiyoshi Saito (1907 - 1997)
Bid: $935.00
Buy: $1125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 51m136261
Yamaguchi Sohei (1882 - 1961)
Exceptionally rare shin-hanga design with original folder
Bid: $195.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 50m136201
Natori Shunsen (1886 - 1960)
Exceptionally rare shin-hanga design
Bid: $275.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 13h 49m136141
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 48m136081
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 47m136021
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 46m135961
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 13h 45m135901
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 44m135841
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Rare pre-WWII shin-hanga from a Boston gallery!
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 43m135781
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $45.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 42m135721
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 41m135661
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 40m135601
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 39m135541
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 13h 38m135481
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Edo era artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Classic, rare Kuniyoshi triptych
Bid: $385.00
Buy: $475.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 37m56221
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $285.00
Buy: $355.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 36m56161
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 15h 35m56101
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Kuniyoshi design
Bid: $465.00
Buy: $560.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 34m56041
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Kuniyoshi design
Bid: $465.00
Buy: $560.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 33m55981
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Lovely Kuniyoshi beauty design
Bid: $385.00
Buy: $465.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 32m55921
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Lovely Kuniyoshi beauty design
Bid: $385.00
Buy: $465.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 31m55861
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Kuniyoshi print
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 30m55801
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 29m55741
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 28m55681
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 27m55621
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 26m55561
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 25m55501
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 24m55441
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 23m55381
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 22m55321
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 21m55261
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 20m55201
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 19m55141
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 18m55081
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 17m55021
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 16m54961
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 15m54901
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 14m54841
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 15h 13m54781
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $287.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 14
Ends: 15h 12m54721
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 15
Ends: 15h 11m54661
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 15
Ends: 15h 10m54601
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 13
Ends: 15h 9m54541
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $151.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 15h 8m54481
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 15h 7m54421
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 6m54361
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 15h 5m54301
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 15h 4m54241
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 15h 3m54181
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 15h 2m54121
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 15h 1m54061
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 15h 0m54001
Edo era artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 59m53941
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 58m53881
Shuntei (1770 - 1824)
Bid: $40.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 14h 57m53821
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 56m53761
Nobukazu (1847 - 1899)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 55m53701
Yoshifuji (1828 - 1889)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 54m53641
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $30.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 14h 53m53581
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 52m53521
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 51m53461
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 50m53401
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $30.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 14h 49m53341
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 48m53281
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 47m53221
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 46m53161
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 45m53101
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 44m53041
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 43m52981
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 42m52921
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 41m52861
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 40m52801
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 39m52741
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 38m52681
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 37m52621
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 36m52561
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 35m52501
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 34m52441
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 33m52381
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 32m52321
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 31m52261
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 30m52201
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 29m52141
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $35.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 28m52081
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rarely seen Eight Dog Heroes series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 27m52021
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rarely seen Eight Dog Heroes series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 26m51961
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rarely seen Eight Dog Heroes series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 25m51901
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rarely seen Eight Dog Heroes series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 24m51841
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $390.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 23m51781
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Contemporary artist (not read)
Bid: $100.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 21m51661
Yoshitoshi Mori (1898 - 1992)
Bid: $305.00
Buy: $375.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 20m51601
Yoshitoshi Mori (1898 - 1992)
Bid: $305.00
Buy: $375.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 19m51541
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rarely seen Children's Dances series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 18m51481
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rarely seen Children's Dances series
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 17m51421
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 16m51361
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 15m51301
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 14m51241
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 13m51181
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 12m51121
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 11m51061
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 10m51001
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Bid: $190.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 14h 9m50941
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Terrific Two Brushes Tokaido series, beautiful condition
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 8m50881
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $360.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 7m50821
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 6m50761
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $345.00
Buy: $425.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 5m50701
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $385.00
Buy: $475.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 4m50641
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 3m50581
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 2m50521
Edo era artist (not read)
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 1m50461
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 14h 0m50401
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 13h 59m50341
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 58m50281
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 57m50221
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 56m50161
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 55m50101
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 54m50041
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 53m49981
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 52m49921
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Fixed Price
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Fixed Price
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 51m49861
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 50m49801
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 49m49741
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 48m49681
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Rarely seen Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 47m49621
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 46m49561
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 45m49501
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 44m49441
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 43m49381
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 42m49321
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 41m49261
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 40m49201
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 39m49141
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 38m49081
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 13h 37m49021
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Eiri (Rekisentei) (active circa 1781 - 1818)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (not read)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (not read)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Takeji Asano (1900 - 1999)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
New price on this design - one of the series favorites!
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yamaguchi Sohei (1882 - 1961)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Suisho Nishiyama (1879 - 1958)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Noda Kyuho (1879 - 1971)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Ishikawa Toraji (1875 - 1964)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Saburosuke Okada (1869 - 1939)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Shima Seien (1892 - 1970)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yamamura Toyonari (1885 - 1942)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomita Keisen (1879 - 1936)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Nishimura Goun (1877 - 1938)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tsunetomi Kitano (1880 - 1947)
Series masterwork!
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Keigetsu Kikuchi (1879 - 1955)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Great print!
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fantastic design, series best
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely triptych
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kuniteru I (active circa 1820 - 1860)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful Genji triptych
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Charming, classic Edo woodblock print
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Zuigetsu Ikeda (1877 - 1944)
Beautiful flower print
Fixed Price
Chiyuki Onuma (active 1950s)
Rare shin-hanga series
Fixed Price
Chiyuki Onuma (active 1950s)
Rare shin-hanga series
Fixed Price
Chiyuki Onuma (active 1950s)
Rare shin-hanga series
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Yoshimitsu (active 1873 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Edo era artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Fusatane (active 1854 - 1888)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Fusatane (active 1854 - 1888)
Fixed Price
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Ikkei (active circa 1870s)
Fixed Price
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rarely seen Chikanobu design
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely beauty design
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yoshitsuya (1822 - 1866)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Edo era artist (not read)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Yasuda Hanpo (1889 - 1947)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Goro Kumagai (born 1932)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Rare pre-WWII shin-hanga from a Boston gallery!
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Rare pre-WWII shin-hanga from a Boston gallery!
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Great image
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Fantastic, large, numbered first edition
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Fantastic, large, numbered first edition
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Nomura Yoshimitsu (1870 - 1958)
Beautiful, first edition shin-hanga Kyoto scene
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864) and Kiyomitsu II (1787 - 1868)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Unusual, rare Kiyochika series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kuninao II (active circa 1883 - 1892)
Great design!
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fantastic original Hiroshige triptych
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely Genji design
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Standard Auction
Item Closed