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Bidding Details
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Outstanding Hiroshige ronin design
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fantastic musha-e triptych
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Eishi (1756 - 1829)
Fixed Price
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Fixed Price
Kuniyasu (1794 - 1832)
Fixed Price
Eisho (active circa. 1790 - 1799)
An Edo beauty masterwork, rare reprint
Fixed Price
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Fixed Price
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rare Chikanobu series
Fixed Price
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rare Chikanobu series
Fixed Price
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rare Chikanobu series
Fixed Price
Masanobu, Okumura (circa 1686 - 1764)
Fixed Price
Meiji era artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Meiji era artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Exceptionally rare and exquisite reprint by the late Tachihara Inuki
Fixed Price
Kano Koga (1897 - 1953)
Rare Yamato-e landscape exhibition
Fixed Price
Matsuoka Eikyu (1881 - 1938)
Rare Yamato-e landscape exhibition
Fixed Price
Matsuoka Eikyu (1881 - 1938)
Rare Yamato-e landscape exhibition
Fixed Price