Bidding Details
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 52m600733
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 51m600673
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 50m600613
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 49m600553
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 48m600493
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 47m600433
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 46m600373
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 45m600313
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 44m600253
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 43m600193
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 42m600133
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 41m600073
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $89
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 40m600013
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 39m599953
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Yoshitoshi opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 38m599893
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $465.00
Buy: $560.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 37m599833
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great story!
Bid: $465.00
Buy: $560.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 36m599773
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi design
Bid: $445.00
Buy: $535.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 35m599713
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $325.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 34m599653
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $325.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 33m599593
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fixed Price
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $365.00
Buy: $445.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 32m599533
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Interesting early design
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 31m599473
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Great design!
Bid: $465.00
Buy: $560.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 30m599413
Shiro Takagi (born 1934)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 29m599353
Takao Sano (born 1941)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 28m599293
Takao Sano (born 1941)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 27m599233
Fumio Fujita (born 1933)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 26m599173
Koichi Maeda (born 1936)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 25m599113
Yoshisuke Funasaka (born 1939)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 24m599053
Yoshisuke Funasaka (born 1939)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 23m598993
Masaya Watabe (born 1931)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 22m598933
Fumio Fujita (born 1933)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 21m598873
Yoshisuke Funasaka (born 1939)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 20m598813
Takao Sano (born 1941)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 19m598753
Shiro Takagi (1934 - 1998)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 18m598693
Suzuki Kason (1860 - 1919)
First time offered
Bid: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 6d 22h 17m598633

Terazaki Kogyo (1866 - 1919)
Rare beauty design
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Takeuchi Keishu (1861 - 1942)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 15m598513
Watanabe Seitei (1851 - 1918)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 14m598453
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 13m598393
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 12m598333
Mishima Shoso (1856 - 1928)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 11m598273
Kajita Hanko (1870 - 1917)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 10m598213
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 9m598153
Terazaki Kogyo (1866 - 1919)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 8m598093
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $95.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 7m598033
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Nice silver mica detail
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 6m597973
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 5m597913
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 4m597853
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 3m597793
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 2m597733
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 1m597673
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 22h 0m597613
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 59m597553
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 58m597493
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 57m597433
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 56m597373
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 55m597313
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 54m597253
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 53m597193
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 52m597133
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 51m597073
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 50m597013
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 49m596953
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 48m596893
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 47m596833
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 46m596773
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 45m596713
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 44m596653
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 43m596593
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 42m596533
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 41m596473
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 40m596413
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 39m596353
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 38m596293
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 37m596233
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 36m596173
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $160.00
Buy: $230.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 35m596113
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $160.00
Buy: $230.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 34m596053
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $160.00
Buy: $230.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 33m595993
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 6d 21h 32m595933
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 6d 21h 31m595873
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fantastic, complete five-panel design
Bid: $420.00
Buy: $510.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 30m595813
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 29m595753
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $460.00
Buy: $570.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 28m595693
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 27m595633
Toshimitsu (active circa 1876 - 1904)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 26m595573
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 25m595513
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 24m595453
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 23m595393
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 22m595333
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 21m595273
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 20m595213
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 19m595153
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 18m595093
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 17m595033
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 16m594973
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 15m594913
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 14m594853
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 13m594793
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 12m594733
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 11m594673
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 10m594613
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 9m594553
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 8m594493
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 7m594433
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 6m594373
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 5m594313
Miyagawa Shuntei (1873 - 1914)
May Exhibition - Complete Shuntei Meiji beauty series, fine condition
Bid: $705.00
Buy: $855.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 4m594253
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 3m594193
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Terrific Kunichika Tokyo series, a client favorite!
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 2m594133
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $235.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 1m594073
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 0m594013
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 59m593953
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 58m593893
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 57m593833
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare Powerful Magicians series
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 56m593773
Yamaguchi Gen (1896 - 1976)
Rare sosaku hanga series
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 55m593713
Yamaguchi Gen (1896 - 1976)
Rare sosaku hanga series
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 54m593653
Umetaro Azechi (1902 - 1999)
Rare sosaku hanga series
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 53m593593
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $275.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 52m593533
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $255.00
Buy: $315.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 51m593473
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 50m593413
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 6d 20h 49m593353
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 48m593293
Seikichi (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $205.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 47m593233
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 46m593173
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Great design, rare
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 45m593113
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 44m593053
Kobayashi Gentaro
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 43m592993
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 42m592933
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $205.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 41m592873
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)

Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)

Fixed Price

Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)

Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)

Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)

Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)

Fixed Price
Takao Sano (born 1941)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 40m592813
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 39m592753
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 38m592693
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 37m592633
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 36m592573
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 35m592513
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 42m513733
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 41m513673
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 40m513613
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 39m513553
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 38m513493
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 37m513433
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 36m513373
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 35m513313
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 34m513253
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 33m513193
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 32m513133
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 31m513073
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 30m513013
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 29m512953
Ryoshu Yamaguchi (1886 - 1966)
Winter Exhibition - Rare kyogen Noh prints
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 28m512893
Yoshio Kanamori (1922 - 2016)
Interessting Hotta Watch Company commission
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 27m512833
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 26m512773
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 25m512713
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 24m512653
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 23m512593
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 22m512533
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 21m512473
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 20m512413
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 19m512353
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 18m512293
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 17m512233
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 16m512173
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 15m512113
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $227.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 5d 22h 14m512053
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $112.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 5d 22h 13m511993
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $92.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 5d 22h 12m511933
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 11m511873
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 10m511813
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 9m511753
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 8m511693
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 7m511633
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $94.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 5d 22h 6m511573
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 5m511513
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 4m511453
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 3m511393
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original Hiroshige opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 2m511333
Sharaku (active 1794 - 1795)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 22h 1m511273
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 22h 0m511213
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 59m511153
Gyokusho Kawabata (1842 - 1914)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 58m511093
Gyokusho Kawabata (1842 - 1914)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 57m511033
Gyokusho Kawabata (1842 - 1914)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 56m510973
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 55m510913
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 54m510853
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 21h 53m510793
Kyosai (1831 - 1889)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 52m510733
Kyosai (1831 - 1889)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 51m510673
Tsuruta Goro (1890 - 1969) or Kawabata Ryushi (1885 - 1966) (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 50m510613
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 49m510553
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 48m510493
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 47m510433
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 46m510373
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 45m510313
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 44m510253
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 43m510193
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 42m510133
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 41m510073
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $230.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 40m510013
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 39m509953
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 38m509893
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 37m509833
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $230.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 36m509773
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 35m509713
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 34m509653
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Charming postcard print from the Uchida Publisher archives
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 33m509593
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 32m509533
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 31m509473
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 30m509413
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 29m509353
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 28m509293
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 27m509233
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 26m509173
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 25m509113
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 24m509053
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 23m508993
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 22m508933
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 21m508873
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $515.00
Buy: $625.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 20m508813
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $515.00
Buy: $625.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 19m508753
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $515.00
Buy: $625.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 18m508693
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $515.00
Buy: $625.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 17m508633
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $515.00
Buy: $625.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 16m508573
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $515.00
Buy: $625.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 15m508513
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $335.00
Buy: $415.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 14m508453
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $335.00
Buy: $415.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 13m508393
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $285.00
Buy: $345.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 12m508333
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 11m508273
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $110.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 10m508213
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $110.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 9m508153
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $110.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 8m508093
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 7m508033
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 6m507973
Sadatora (active circa 1818 - 1844)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 5m507913
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 4m507853
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely Edo era triptych
Bid: $340.00
Buy: $420.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 3m507793
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 2m507733
Toyokuni II (1777 - 1835)
Fine large beauty portrait
Bid: $350.00
Buy: $430.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 1m507673
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Excellent Yokohama-e design
Bid: $495.00
Buy: $595.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 0m507613
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful color and detail
Bid: $445.00
Buy: $535.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 59m507553
Yoshiharu (1828 - 1888)
Great musha-e print
Bid: $350.00
Buy: $430.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 58m507493
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Great musha-e print
Bid: $285.00
Buy: $355.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 57m507433
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 56m507373
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 55m507313
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 54m507253
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 53m507193
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 52m507133
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 51m507073
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 50m507013
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 49m506953
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 48m506893
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 47m506833
20th century artist (not read)
Interesting uncut print sheet
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 46m506773
Tasaburo Takahashi (1904 - 1977)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $45.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 45m506713
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 44m506653
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 43m506593
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series

Fixed Price
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series

Fixed Price
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series

Fixed Price
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series

Fixed Price
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 42m506533
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 41m506473
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 40m506413
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 39m506353
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 38m506293
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 37m506233
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 36m506173
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 35m506113
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 59m424753
Kiyonaga (1752 - 1815)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 58m424693
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 57m424633
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 56m424573
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 55m424513
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 54m424453
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 52m424333
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 51m424273
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 50m424213
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 49m424153
Tsuruta Goro (1890 - 1969) or Kawabata Ryushi (1885 - 1966) (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 48m424093
Tsuruta Goro (1890 - 1969) or Kawabata Ryushi (1885 - 1966) (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 47m424033
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 46m423973
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 45m423913
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 44m423853
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 43m423793
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 42m423733
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 41m423673
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 40m423613
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 39m423553
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 38m423493
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 37m423433
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Beautiful Kogyo series, a collector's favorite
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 34m423253
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 33m423193
Hara Zaisen (1849 - 1916)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 32m423133
Shunkyo Yamamoto (1871 - 1933)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 31m423073
Shunkyo Yamamoto (1871 - 1933)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 30m423013
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 29m422953
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 28m422893
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 27m422833
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 26m422773
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 25m422713
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 24m422653
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 23m422593
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 22m422533
Iwata Sentaro (1901 - 1974)
Lovely shin-hanga beauty
Bid: $1520.00
Buy: $1850.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 21m422473
Natori Shunsen (1886 - 1960)
Lovely shin-hanga beauty
Bid: $1150.00
Buy: $1380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 20m422413
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Bid: $320.00
Buy: $380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 19m422353
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Beautiful shin-hanga night scene
Bid: $1075.00
Buy: $1295.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 18m422293
Koho Shoda (1871 - 1946)
Lovely shin-hanga night scene
Bid: $335.00
Buy: $385.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 17m422233
Koho Shoda (1871 - 1946)
Lovely shin-hanga night scene
Bid: $335.00
Buy: $385.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 16m422173
Gakusui (1899 - 1982)
Charming shin-hanga postcard print by Watanabe
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 15m422113
Gakusui (1899 - 1982)
Charming shin-hanga postcard print by Watanabe
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 14m422053
Umetaro Azechi (1902 - 1999)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 13m421993
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rare Chikanobu design
Bid: $315.00
Buy: $385.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 12m421933
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 11m421873
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 10m421813
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 9m421753
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 8m421693
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $240.00
Buy: $310.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 7m421633
Sadanobu II (1848 - 1940)
Rare oban Osaka triptych
Bid: $240.00
Buy: $310.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 6m421573
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 5m421513
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 4m421453
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 3m421393
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Nice dragon kimono
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 2m421333
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 1m421273
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 0m421213
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $350.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 59m421153
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Great musha-e triptych with beautiful color and detail
Bid: $570.00
Buy: $690.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 58m421093
Toshinobu (1857 - 1886)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 57m421033
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $360.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 56m420973
Sadanobu II (1848 - 1940)
Rare oban Osaka-e
Bid: $280.00
Buy: $350.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 55m420913
Hokumyo (active circa 1830 - 1837)
Rare oban Osaka-e
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $645.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 54m420853
Ashiyuki (active circa 1813 - 1831)
Rare oban Osaka-e
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 53m420793
Okumura Togyu (1889 - 1990)
Beautiful large print, gold mica background
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $270.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 52m420733
Okumura Togyu (1889 - 1990)
Beautiful large print, gold mica background
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $270.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 51m420673
Tanigami Konan (1879 - 1928)
Fantastic large flower design
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $365.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 50m420613
Tanigami Konan (1879 - 1928)
Fantastic large flower design
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $365.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 49m420553
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $460.00
Buy: $560.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 48m420493
Edo era artist (not read)
Bid: $250.00
Buy: $310.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 47m420433
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 46m420373
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 45m420313
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fine Sumo print
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 44m420253
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Great Kuniyoshi series, beautifully printed
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 43m420193
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $360.00
Buy: $435.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 42m420133
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $555.00
Buy: $675.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 41m420073
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $335.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 40m420013
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $660.00
Buy: $795.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 39m419953
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $690.00
Buy: $830.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 38m419893
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Great musha-e design
Bid: $365.00
Buy: $445.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 37m419833
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)
Rare pre-WWII shin-hanga from a Boston gallery!
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 36m419773
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $45.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 35m419713
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)

Fixed Price
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)

Fixed Price
Sadafusa (active 1825 - 1850)

Fixed Price
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)

Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)

Fixed Price
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)

Fixed Price
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Eisen (1790 - 1848)

Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $390.00
Buy: $470.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 49m337753
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 48m337693
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 47m337633
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 46m337573
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 45m337513
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 44m337453
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 43m337393
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 42m337333
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare, complete five-panel kabuki design with dragon kimono
Bid: $430.00
Buy: $520.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 41m337273
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $230.00
Buy: $280.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 40m337213
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 39m337153
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $140.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 38m337093
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $140.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 37m337033
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great design with carp kimono
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 36m336973
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Bid: $240.00
Buy: $310.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 35m336913
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $190.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 34m336853
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Charming Meiji kacho-e series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 33m336793
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Charming Meiji kacho-e series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 32m336733
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Charming Meiji kacho-e series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 31m336673
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Charming Meiji kacho-e series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 30m336613
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Charming Meiji kacho-e series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 29m336553
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Charming Meiji kacho-e series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 28m336493
Koiso Ryohei (1903 - 1988)
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 27m336433
Tadamasa Ueno (1904 - 1970)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 26m336373
Toshijiro (Nenjiro) Inagaki (1902-1963)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 25m336313
Meiji era artist (not read)
Rare, complete 6 panel design
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 24m336253
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 23m336193
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 22m336133
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 21m336073
Chikashige (active circa 1869 - 1882)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 20m336013
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 19m335953
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $265.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 18m335893
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $265.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 17m335833
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $265.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 16m335773
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $265.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 15m335713
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $425.00
Buy: $515.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 14m335653
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $275.00
Buy: $345.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 13m335593
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $196.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 21h 12m335533
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 11m335473
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 10m335413
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 9m335353
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 8m335293
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Classic, rare Kuniyoshi triptych
Bid: $335.00
Buy: $405.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 7m335233
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $260.00
Buy: $330.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 6m335173
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Kuniyoshi design
Bid: $440.00
Buy: $530.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 5m335113
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Kuniyoshi design
Bid: $440.00
Buy: $530.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 4m335053
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Lovely Kuniyoshi beauty design
Bid: $360.00
Buy: $440.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 3m334993
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Lovely Kuniyoshi beauty design
Bid: $360.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 2m334933
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Kuniyoshi print
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 1m334873
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 0m334813
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 59m334753
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 58m334693
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 57m334633
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Great musha-e diptych series
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 56m334573
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Bid: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 20h 55m334513
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Bid: $160.00
Buy: $210.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 54m334453
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 53m334393
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 52m334332
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 51m334272
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 50m334212
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 49m334152
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Very rare Kunisada series!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 48m334092
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $275.00
Buy: $335.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 47m334032
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 46m333972
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 45m333912
Masao Ebina (1913 - 1980)
With original presentation folder
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 44m333852
Harunobu (1724 - 1770)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 43m333792
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 42m333732
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 20h 41m333672
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 40m333612
Yoshimune (1817 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 39m333552
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 38m333492
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 37m333432
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 36m333372
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 35m333312
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
An American in Japan, Joshua Rome Winter Exhibition & Sale!
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $795.00
Buy: $955.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 13m256392
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $355.00
Buy: $435.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 11m256272
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $375.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 9m256152
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 8m256092
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 7m256032
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 6m255972
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 5m255912
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 4m255852
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 3m255792
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 2m255732
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 1m255672
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 23h 0m255612
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 59m255552
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 58m255492
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 57m255432
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 56m255372
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 55m255312
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 54m255252
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $26.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 22h 53m255192
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $67.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 2d 22h 52m255132
Kawarazaki Shodo (1889 - 1973)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $27.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 51m255072
Kawarazaki Shodo (1889 - 1973)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 50m255012
Urata Shusha
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 22h 49m254952
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $152.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 28
Ends: 2d 22h 48m254892
Bakufu Ohno (1888 - 1976)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $35.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 2d 22h 47m254832
Hajime Namiki (born 1947)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $101.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 2d 22h 46m254772
Hajime Namiki (born 1947)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $107.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 2d 22h 45m254712
Kawarazaki Shodo (1889 - 1973)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $26.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 22h 44m254652
Kawarazaki Shodo (1889 - 1973)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 43m254592
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 2d 22h 42m254532
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 2d 22h 41m254472
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 40m254412
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 6
Ends: 2d 22h 39m254352
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $176.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 2d 22h 38m254292
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 37m254232
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $102.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 2d 22h 36m254172
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $31.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 35m254112
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $40.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 2d 22h 34m254052
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 33m253992
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 32m253932
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $26.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 22h 31m253872
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 30m253812
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 29m253752
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 28m253692
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 27m253632
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 26m253572
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 25m253512
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 24m253452
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 23m253392
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $56.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 22m253332
Kiyoshi Saito (1907 - 1997)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $87.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 2d 22h 21m253272
Tadashi Nakayama (1927 - 2014)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $31.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 2d 22h 20m253212
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $52.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 2d 22h 19m253152
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $56.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 2d 22h 18m253092
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $152.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 2d 22h 17m253032
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 16m252972
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 15m252912
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 14m252852
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 13m252792
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $123.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 2d 22h 12m252732
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 22h 11m252672
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 10m252612
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $56.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 2d 22h 9m252552
Tanigami Konan (1879 - 1928)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $27.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 2d 22h 8m252492
Tanigami Konan (1879 - 1928)
Special selection - Bill's $25 opening bid auctions!
Bid: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 6
Ends: 2d 22h 7m252432
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 6m252372
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 5m252312
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 4m252252
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 3m252192
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 2m252132
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 1m252072
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 22h 0m252012
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 59m251952
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 58m251892
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 57m251832
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 56m251772
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 55m251712
Tomita Keisen (1879 - 1936)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 54m251652
Keigetsu Kikuchi (1879 - 1955)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 53m251592
Tsunetomi Kitano (1880 - 1947)
Series masterwork!
Bid: $625.00
Buy: $755.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 52m251532
Shima Seien (1892 - 1970)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 51m251472
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 50m251412
Saburosuke Okada (1869 - 1939)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 49m251352
Ishikawa Toraji (1875 - 1964)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
New price on this design - one of the series favorites!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 47m251232
Yamamura Toyonari (1885 - 1942)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 46m251172
Nishimura Goun (1877 - 1938)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 45m251112
Yamaguchi Sohei (1882 - 1961)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 44m251052
Noda Kyuho (1879 - 1971)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 43m250992
Suisho Nishiyama (1879 - 1958)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 42m250932
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 41m250872
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 40m250812
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 39m250752
Kuniyasu (1794 - 1832)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 38m250692
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 37m250632
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 36m250572
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 35m250512
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 34m250452
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 33m250392
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 32m250332
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 31m250272
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 30m250212
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 29m250152
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 28m250092
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 27m250032
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 26m249972
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 25m249912
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 24m249852
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $390.00
Buy: $480.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 23m249792
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $305.00
Buy: $375.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 22m249732
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $505.00
Buy: $615.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 21m249672
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 20m249612
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 19m249552
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Rare complete paper model print set!
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 18m249492
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Rare complete paper model print set!
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $245.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 17m249432
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 16m249372
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $275.00
Buy: $345.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 15m249312
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $245.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 14m249252
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 13m249192
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 12m249132
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 11m249072
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 10m249012
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 9m248952
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 8m248892
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 7m248832
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 6m248772
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 5m248712
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 4m248652
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 3m248592
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 2m248532
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 1m248472
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 0m248412
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 59m248352
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 58m248292
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 57m248232
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 56m248172
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 55m248112
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 54m248052
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 53m247992
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 52m247932
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 51m247872
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 50m247812
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 49m247752
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 48m247692
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 47m247632
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fantastic design, series best
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely triptych
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful Genji triptych
Fixed Price
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Charming, classic Edo woodblock print
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 46m247572
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 45m247512
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 44m247452
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 43m247392
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 42m247332
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 41m247272
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 40m247212
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 39m247152
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 38m247092
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 37m247032
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 36m246972
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 35m246912
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fixed Price
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $51.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 6
Ends: 1d 22h 56m168972
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $46.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 6
Ends: 1d 22h 55m168912
Gihachiro Okuyama (1907 - 1981)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $31.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 54m168852
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $126.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 22h 53m168792
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $126.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 6
Ends: 1d 22h 52m168732
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 51m168672
Yoshifusa (active circa 1837 - 1860)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 50m168612
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $176.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 1d 22h 49m168552
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 1d 22h 48m168492
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $66.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 1d 22h 47m168432
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $68.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 1d 22h 46m168372
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $76.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 1d 22h 45m168312
Eiichi (active circa 1894)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $78.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 1d 22h 44m168252
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $31.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 43m168192
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $121.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 1d 22h 42m168132
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $131.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 1d 22h 41m168072
Shigemasa (1739 - 1820)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $117.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 32
Ends: 1d 22h 40m168012
Various artists
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 39m167952
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858) and Kiyonaga
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $33.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 1d 22h 38m167892
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $31.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 22h 37m167832
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $66.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 8
Ends: 1d 22h 36m167772
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 35m167712
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $36.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 1d 22h 34m167652
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $51.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 1d 22h 33m167592
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 32m167532
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 31m167472
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 30m167412
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $29.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 22h 29m167352
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $34.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 28m167292
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 22h 27m167232
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $28.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 26m167172
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $26.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 25m167112
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $40.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 1d 22h 24m167052
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 23m166992
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 22m166932
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 21m166872
Eisui (active circa 1790 - 1823)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 20m166812
Harunobu (1724 - 1770)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 19m166752
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $51.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 6
Ends: 1d 22h 18m166692
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $32.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 17m166632
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $30.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 16m166572
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 15m166512
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $26.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 1d 22h 14m166452
Takeuchi Keishu (1847 - 1915)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 13m166392
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $42.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 4
Ends: 1d 22h 12m166332
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $103.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 7
Ends: 1d 22h 11m166272
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 10m166212
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $106.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 22h 9m166152
Shunsen (1762 - circa 1830)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 8m166092
Eizan (1787 - 1867)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 7m166032
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 6m165972
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 5m165912
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 4m165852
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 3m165792
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 2m165732
Kunisato (died 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 22h 1m165672
Yoshifuji (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 22h 0m165612
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 59m165552
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 58m165492
Yoshimori (1830 - 1884)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 57m165432
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 56m165372
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $61.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 3
Ends: 1d 21h 55m165312
Mishima Shoso (1856 - 1928)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 54m165252
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 53m165192
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 52m165132
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 51m165072
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 50m165012
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 49m164952
Mishima Shoso (1856 - 1928)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 48m164892
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 47m164832
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 46m164772
Takeuchi Keishu (1861 - 1942)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 45m164712
Takeuchi Keishu (1861 - 1942)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 44m164652
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 43m164592
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 42m164532
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 21h 41m164472
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 40m164412
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 39m164352
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 38m164292
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 37m164232
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 36m164172
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 35m164112
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 34m164052
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 33m163992
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 32m163932
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 31m163872
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $380.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 30m163812
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $240.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 29m163752
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 28m163692
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 27m163632
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 26m163572
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 25m163512
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $390.00
Buy: $470.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 24m163452
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $320.00
Buy: $385.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 23m163392
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $275.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 22m163332
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 21m163272
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 20m163212
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Rare Five Elements kabuki series
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 19m163152
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 18m163092
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 21h 17m163032
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $375.00
Buy: $455.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 16m162972
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 15m162912
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $360.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 14m162852
Toshimoto (active circa 1877 - 1898)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 13m162792
Toshimoto (active circa 1877 - 1898)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 12m162732
Toshimoto (active circa 1877 - 1898)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 11m162672
Ikkei (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 10m162612
Ikkei (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 9m162552
Ikuhide (active 1883 - 1898)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 8m162492
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 7m162432
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 6m162372
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rarely seen Tales of the Heike series
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 5m162312
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 4m162252
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $275.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 3m162192
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $195.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 2m162132
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Lovely, early kakemono design
Fixed Price
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 1m162072
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 0m162012
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 59m161952
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 20h 58m161892
Yasuda Hanpo (1889 - 1947)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $335.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 57m161832
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $255.00
Buy: $325.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 56m161772
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 55m161712
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 54m161652
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 53m161592
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 52m161532
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 51m