Bidding Details
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 42m596524
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 41m596464
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 40m596404
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 39m596344
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 38m596284
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 37m596224
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 36m596164
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 35m596104
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 34m596044
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 33m595984
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 32m595924
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 31m595864
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 30m595804
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 29m595744
Utamaro (1750 - 1806)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 28m595684
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 27m595624
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 26m595564
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 25m595504
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 24m595444
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 23m595384
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 22m595324
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 21m595264
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 20m595204
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 19m595144
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Opening at $25 only! Any high bid wins, values to $1,000!
Bid: $25.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 18m595084
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 17m595024
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 16m594964
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 15m594904
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 14m594844
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 14m594844
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 13m594784
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 12m594724
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 11m594664
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 10m594604
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 9m594544
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 8m594484
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 7m594424
Kamisaka Sekka (1866 - 1942)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 6m594364
Suisho Nishiyama (1879 - 1958)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 5m594304
Noda Kyuho (1879 - 1971)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 4m594244
Tomita Keisen (1879 - 1936)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 3m594184
Yamaguchi Sohei (1882 - 1961)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 2m594124
Nishimura Goun (1877 - 1938)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 1m594064
Yamamura Toyonari (1885 - 1942)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 21h 0m594004
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
New price on this design - one of the series favorites!
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 59m593944
Ishikawa Toraji (1875 - 1964)
Low price! Incentivized bid
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 58m593884
Saburosuke Okada (1869 - 1939)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 57m593824
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 56m593764
Shima Seien (1892 - 1970)
Bid: $225.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 55m593704
Tsunetomi Kitano (1880 - 1947)
Series masterwork!
Bid: $625.00
Buy: $755.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 54m593644
Keigetsu Kikuchi (1879 - 1955)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 53m593584
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $395.00
Buy: $485.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 52m593524
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 51m593464
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $510.00
Buy: $620.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 50m593404
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $195.00
Buy: $245.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 49m593344
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $195.00
Buy: $245.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 48m593284
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Rare complete paper model print set!
Bid: $240.00
Buy: $310.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 47m593224
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Rare complete paper model print set!
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 46m593164
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 45m593104
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $280.00
Buy: $350.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 44m593044
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $250.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 43m592984
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 42m592924
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 41m592864
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 40m592804
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 39m592744
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 38m592684
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 37m592624
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 36m592564
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 35m592504
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 34m592444
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 33m592384
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 32m592324
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Charming Tokaido series
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 31m592264
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 30m592204
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 29m592144
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 28m592084
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 27m592024
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 26m591964
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 25m591904
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 24m591844
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 23m591784
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 22m591724
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 21m591664
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 20m591604
Tomioka Tessai (1836 - 1924)
Lovely Meiji floral series
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 19m591544
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare Powerful Magicians series
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 18m591484
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 17m591424
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 16m591364
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 15m591304
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 14m591244
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 13m591184
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 12m591124
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 11m591064
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 10m591004
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 9m590944
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 8m590884
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Great Meiji beauty series
Bid: $140.00
Buy: $190.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 7m590824
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 6m590764
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 5m590704
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 4m590644
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fantastic design, series best
Bid: $650.00
Buy: $785.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 3m590584
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely triptych
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 2m590524
Kuniteru I (active circa 1820 - 1860)
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $235.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 1m590464
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful Genji triptych
Bid: $195.00
Buy: $245.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 20h 0m590404
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Charming, classic Edo woodblock print
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 19h 59m590344
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)

Fixed Price
Hironobu (active circa 1851 -1872)
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 19h 58m590284
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 19h 57m590224
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 19h 56m590164
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 19h 55m590104
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 6d 19h 54m590044

Ohara Shoson (1877 - 1945)
Beautiful shin-hanga kacho-e design
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Watanabe Seitei (1851 - 1918)
Beautiful kacho-e design
Bid: $165.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 21h 54m510844
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 53m510784
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 52m510724
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 51m510664
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 50m510604
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 49m510544
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 48m510484
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 47m510424
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 46m510364
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 45m510304
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 44m510244
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 43m510184
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 42m510124
Yasuji Inoue (1864 - 1889)
Beautiful original Famous Places in Tokyo series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 41m510064
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $315.00
Buy: $385.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 40m510004
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $245.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 39m509944
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 38m509884
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Great design!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 37m509824
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 36m509764
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 35m509704
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 34m509644
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $395.00
Buy: $475.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 33m509584
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $405.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 32m509524
Nakajima Shunko
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 21h 31m509464
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 30m509404
Kajita Hanko (1870 - 1917)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 29m509344
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 28m509284
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 27m509224
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 26m509164
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 25m509104
Mishima Shoso (1856 - 1928)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 24m509044
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 23m508984
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 22m508924
Takeuchi Keishu (1861 - 1942)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 21m508864
Takeuchi Keishu (1861 - 1942)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original kuchi-e design opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 20m508804
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 19m508744
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 18m508684
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 17m508624
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 16m508564
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 15m508504
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 14m508444
Kunisato (died 1858)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $79!
Bid: $79.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 13m508384
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 21h 12m508324
Yoshifuji (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 11m508264
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 10m508204
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 9m508144
Yoshimori (1830 - 1884)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 8m508084
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $69!
Bid: $69.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 7m508024
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 6m507964
Kunisada (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original print from the Age of the Samurai opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 5m507904
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 4m507844
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 3m507784
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 2m507724
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 1m507664
Kunimune II (1792 - 1857)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 21h 0m507604
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 59m507544
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 58m507484
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 57m507424
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 56m507364
Yoshitsuya (1822 - 1866)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 55m507304
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 54m507244
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 53m507184
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 52m507124
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 51m507064
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 50m507004
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 49m506944
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 20h 48m506884
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $280.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 47m506824
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful burnished detail
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 46m506764
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 45m506704
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 44m506644
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Rare Five Elements kabuki series
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 43m506584
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 42m506524
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 41m506464
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $390.00
Buy: $470.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 40m506404
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $380.00
Buy: $460.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 39m506344
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $150.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 38m506284
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $365.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 37m506224
Toshimoto (active circa 1877 - 1898)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 36m506164
Toshimoto (active circa 1877 - 1898)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 35m506104
Toshimoto (active circa 1877 - 1898)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 34m506044
Ikkei (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 33m505984
Ikkei (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 32m505924
Ikuhide (active 1883 - 1898)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 31m505864
Hiroshige III (1843 - 1894)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 30m505804
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 29m505744
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 28m505684
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 27m505624
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 26m505564
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great Soga Brothers series
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 25m505504
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 24m505444
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Rarely seen Tales of the Heike series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 23m505384
Tsukioka Kogyo (1869 - 1927)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 22m505324
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 21m505264
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $280.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 20m505204
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $265.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 19m505144
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Lovely kakemono design
Bid: $625.00
Buy: $755.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 18m505084
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 17m505024
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 16m504964
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 15m504904
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 14m504844
Yasuda Hanpo (1889 - 1947)
Bid: $270.00
Buy: $340.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 13m504784
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $260.00
Buy: $330.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 12m504724
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 11m504664
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 10m504604
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 9m504544
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $210.00
Buy: $260.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 8m504484
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 7m504424
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Great image
Bid: $205.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 5d 20h 6m504364
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Fantastic, large, numbered first edition
Bid: $430.00
Buy: $520.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 5m504304
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
Fantastic, large, numbered first edition
Bid: $360.00
Buy: $440.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 4m504244
Nomura Yoshimitsu (1870 - 1958)
Beautiful, first edition shin-hanga Kyoto scene
Bid: $1260.00
Buy: $1540.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 3m504184
Kunisada (1786 - 1864) and Kiyomitsu II (1787 - 1868)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 2m504124
Kuninao II (active circa 1883 - 1892)
Great design!
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 1m504064
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fantastic original Hiroshige triptych
Bid: $985.00
Buy: $1185.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 20h 0m504004
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 19h 59m503944
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $160.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 19h 58m503884
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 19h 57m503824
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 19h 56m503764
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 19h 55m503704
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)

Fixed Price
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)

Fixed Price
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)

Fixed Price
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 5d 19h 54m503644
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 30m423004
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 29m422944
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 28m422884
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 27m422824
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 26m422764
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 21h 25m422704
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 24m422644
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 23m422584
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 21h 22m422524
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Rare shini-e diptych
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 21m422464
Kunimaro (active circa 1850 - 1875)
Kunisada Ronin prints, great designs!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 20m422404
Kunimaro (active circa 1850 - 1875)
Kunisada Ronin prints, great designs!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 19m422344
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Toyokuni III Ronin prints, great designs!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 18m422284
Toyokuni III/Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Toyokuni III Ronin prints, great designs!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 17m422224
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Kunisada Ronin prints, great designs!
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 16m422164
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 15m422104
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 14m422044
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 13m421984
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 12m421924
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 11m421864
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 21h 10m421804
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 9m421744
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 8m421684
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 21h 7m421624
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 6m421564
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 5m421504
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 21h 4m421444
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 3m421384
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 21h 2m421324
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Handsome Flowers of Japan series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 1m421264
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 21h 0m421204
Toyonobu (1859 - 1886)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 59m421144
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $40.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 4d 20h 58m421084
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 57m421024
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 56m420964
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 55m420904
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 54m420844
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 53m420784
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 52m420724
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Overstock diptych opening at $39!
Bid: $39.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 51m420664
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 20h 50m420604
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $165.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 20h 49m420544
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 48m420484
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 47m420424
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 46m420364
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 45m420304
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 44m420244
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 43m420184
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 42m420124
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 41m420064
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $150.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 40m420004
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 39m419944
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 38m419884
After Matsumura Keibun (1779 - 1843)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 37m419824
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $400.00
Buy: $490.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 36m419764
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $400.00
Buy: $490.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 35m419704
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $300.00
Buy: $370.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 34m419644
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $300.00
Buy: $370.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 33m419584
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $235.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 32m419524
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $215.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 31m419464
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $215.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 30m419404
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $235.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 29m419344
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $215.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 28m419284
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $275.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 27m419224
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Lovely Snow, Moon, Flowers series
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $215.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 26m419164
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 25m419104
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $120.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 24m419044
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Rare pre-WWII shin-hanga from a Boston gallery!
Bid: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 20h 23m418984
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Rare pre-WWII shin-hanga from a Boston gallery!
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 22m418924
Jo (Hashimoto Yuzuru) (active 1920s - 1930s)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 21m418864
Jo (Hashimoto Yuzuru) (active 1920s - 1930s)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 20m418804
Jo (Hashimoto Yuzuru) (active 1920s - 1930s)
Bid: $190.00
Buy: $240.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 19m418744
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $835.00
Buy: $1005.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 18m418684
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1920.00
Buy: $2320.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 17m418624
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $2610.00
Buy: $3140.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 16m418564
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1590.00
Buy: $1910.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 15m418504
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $2065.00
Buy: $2485.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 14m418444
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $195.00
Buy: $255.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 13m418384
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 12m418324
Kunihisa II (1832 - 1891)
Bid: $110.00
Buy: $155.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 11m418264
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 10m418204
Yoshimori (1830 - 1884)
Rarely seen Fan Tokaido, nice color and detail
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $145.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 9m418144
Kuniteru II (1829 - 1874)
Fantastic design!
Bid: $1225.00
Buy: $1475.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 8m418084
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $595.00
Buy: $725.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 7m418024
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $310.00
Buy: $380.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 6m417964
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $105.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 5m417904
After Nagamachi Chikuseki (1757 - 1806)
Beautiful nature design!
Bid: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 20h 4m417844
Tokuriki (1902 - 1999)
From the Uchida Publisher archives
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 3m417784
Ginko (active 1874 - 1897)
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 2m417724
Kuniteru I (1808 - 1876)
Bid: $29.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 4d 20h 1m417664
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 20h 0m417604
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $31.00

Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 4d 19h 59m417544
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 19h 58m417484
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 19h 57m417424
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 19h 56m417364
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 19h 55m417304
Edo era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99

Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 4d 19h 54m417244
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)

Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)

Fixed Price
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (unsigned)

Fixed Price
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)

Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $895.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 22h 17m339424
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $895.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 22h 16m339364
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $585.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 22h 15m339304
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $585.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 22h 14m339244
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $585.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 22h 13m339184
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $595.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 22h 12m339124
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Beautiful Hoeido Tokaido design
Bid: $845.00
Buy: $1025.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 11m339064
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $365.00
Buy: $445.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 10m339004
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $305.00
Buy: $375.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 9m338944
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $335.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 8m338884
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $335.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 7m338824
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Rare Hundred Poets series
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 6m338764
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $315.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 5m338704
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 4m338644
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 3m338584
Kunitoshi (1847 - 1899)
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 2m338524
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $335.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 1m338464
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 22h 0m338404
Yoshifuji (1828 - 1889)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 21h 59m338344
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 58m338284
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 57m338224
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 56m338163
Kiyomine (1787 - 1868)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 55m338103
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 54m338043
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 53m337983
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 52m337923
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 51m337863
Kunimune II (1792 - 1857)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 50m337803
Hiroshige II (1826 - 1869)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 49m337743
Edo era artist (not read)
Fuji Arts Special Auction - Original musha-e print opening at $89!
Bid: $89.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 48m337683
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Yuyudo Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Adachi Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Adachi Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Adachi Published- from a rare Adachi reprint series, very finely printed!
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Yuyudo Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Yuyudo Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Yuyudo Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Yuyudo Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fine Adachi Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Exquisite Hundred Edo reprint by Yamada Shoin
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Exquisite Hundred Edo reprint by Yamada Shoin
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Rare Watanabe reprint, with seal
Fixed Price
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 21h 47m337623
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $66.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 5
Ends: 3d 21h 46m337563
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 45m337503
Chikashige (active circa 1869 - 1882)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 44m337443
Chikashige (active circa 1869 - 1882)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 43m337383
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 42m337323
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 41m337263
Chikashige (active circa 1869 - 1882)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 40m337203
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 39m337143
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 38m337083
Ikkei (active circa 1870s)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 37m337023
Kunisada III (1848 - 1920)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $59.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 36m336963
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 21h 35m336903
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 34m336843
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 33m336783
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 32m336723
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 31m336663
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 30m336603
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 29m336543
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 28m336483
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 27m336423
Gyokusho Kawabata (1842 - 1914)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 26m336363
Gyokusho Kawabata (1842 - 1914)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 25m336303
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 24m336243
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 23m336183
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 22m336123
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 21m336063
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 20m336003
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 19m335943
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 18m335883
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 17m335823
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 16m335763
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 15m335703
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 14m335643
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 13m335583
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $175.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 12m335523
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 11m335463
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $170.00
Buy: $220.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 10m335403
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 9m335343
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 8m335283
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 7m335223
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 6m335163
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 5m335103
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $105.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 4m335043
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 3m334983
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 2m334923
Masao Ido (1945 - 2016)
Rare find! 100 Views of Kyoto print, from a complete estate set
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $150.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 1m334863
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 21h 0m334803
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 59m334743
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 58m334683
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 57m334623
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 56m334563
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 55m334503
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 54m334443
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 53m334383
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 52m334323
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 51m334263
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 50m334203
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $85.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 49m334143
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 48m334083
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 47m334023
Fujikawa Tamenobu (Meiji era)
First edition 1918 Shank's Mare Tokaido series
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 46m333963
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 45m333903
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 44m333843
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 43m333783
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 42m333723
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 41m333663
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 40m333603
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 39m333543
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 38m333483
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 37m333423
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 36m333363
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 35m333303
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 34m333243
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Rare, complete 12-panel 47 ronin print
Bid: $1155.00
Buy: $1365.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 33m333183
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 32m333123
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 31m333063
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 30m333003
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 29m332943
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 28m332883
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 27m332823
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 26m332763
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 25m332703
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 24m332643
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 23m332583
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 22m332523
Kunikazu (active circa 1849 - 1867)
Interesting, rare Osaka series
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 21m332463
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Great design!
Bid: $355.00
Buy: $445.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 20m332403
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 19m332343
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 20h 18m332283
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 17m332223
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Fantastic, rare Kuniyoshi triptych
Bid: $930.00
Buy: $1120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 16m332163
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Rare Sadahide musha-e design
Bid: $480.00
Buy: $580.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 15m332103
Yoshitora (active circa 1840 - 1880)
Bid: $290.00
Buy: $360.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 14m332043
Yoshitsuna (active circa 1848 - 1868)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $335.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 13m331983
Eizan (1787 - 1867)
Bid: $330.00
Buy: $380.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 12m331923
Eizan (1787 - 1867)
Bid: $330.00
Buy: $380.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 11m331863
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 20h 10m331803
Chikashige (active circa 1869 - 1882)
Fuji Arts Overstock triptych opening at $59!
Bid: $31.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 2
Ends: 3d 20h 9m331743
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 20h 8m331683
Sadanobu II (1848 - 1940)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 7m331623
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 6m331563
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 5m331503
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 4m331443
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 3m331383
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 2m331323
Meiji era artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 1m331263
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 20h 0m331203
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 3d 19h 59m331143
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 19h 58m331083
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 19h 57m331023
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 19h 56m330963
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 19h 55m330903
Sadahide (1807 - 1873)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 3d 19h 54m330843
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 34m250443
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 33m250383
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 32m250323
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 31m250263
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 30m250203
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 29m250143
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 28m250083
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 27m250023
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 26m249963
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 25m249903
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 24m249843
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 23m249783
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 21h 22m249723
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 21m249663
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 20m249603
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 19m249543
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 18m249483
Mishima Shoso (1856 - 1928)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 17m249423
Kajita Hanko (1870 - 1917)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 16m249363
Kajita Hanko (1870 - 1917)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 15m249303
Toshikata (1866 - 1908)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 14m249243
Terazaki Kogyo (1866 - 1919)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 13m249183
Kiyokata Kaburagi (1878 - 1972)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $105.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 12m249123
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Nice silver mica detail
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 11m249063
Tomioka Eisen (1864 - 1905)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $100.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 10m249003
Toshimine (1863 - 1934)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 9m248943
Takeuchi Keishu (1847 - 1915)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 8m248883
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 7m248823
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 6m248763
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 5m248703
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 4m248643
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 3m248583
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 2m248523
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $155.00
Buy: $225.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 1m248463
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 21h 0m248403
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 59m248343
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $235.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 58m248283
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 57m248223
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 56m248163
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 55m248103
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 54m248043
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $115.00
Buy: $155.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 53m247983
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $95.00
Buy: $135.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 52m247923
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Great opportunity to collect from a rare and unique Hiroshige series, see details . . .
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 51m247863
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 50m247803
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 49m247743
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 48m247683
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 47m247623
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 46m247563
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 45m247503
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 44m247443
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $75.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 43m247383
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 42m247323
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 41m247263
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 40m247203
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 39m247143
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $70.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 38m247083
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 37m247023
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $80.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 36m246963
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 35m246903
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $55.00
Buy: $75.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 34m246843
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 33m246783
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 32m246723
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 31m246663
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 30m246603
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 29m246543
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 28m246483
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $45.00
Buy: $65.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 27m246423
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 26m246363
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 25m246303
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 24m246243
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 23m246183
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Series favorite!
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 22m246123
Imao Keinen (1845 - 1924)
Bid: $60.00
Buy: $95.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 21m246063
Miyagawa Shuntei (1873 - 1914)
May Exhibition - Complete Shuntei Meiji beauty series, fine condition
Bid: $715.00
Buy: $865.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 20m246003
Chikanobu (1838 - 1912)
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 19m245943
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Terrific Kunichika Tokyo series, a client favorite!
Bid: $85.00
Buy: $125.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 18m245883
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $185.00
Buy: $245.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 17m245823
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $295.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 16m245763
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series!
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 15m245703
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series!
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 14m245643
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare series!
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 13m245583
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Rare Powerful Magicians series
Bid: $125.00
Buy: $175.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 12m245523
Yamaguchi Gen (1896 - 1976)
Rare sosaku hanga series
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 11m245463
Yamaguchi Gen (1896 - 1976)
Rare sosaku hanga series
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 10m245403
Umetaro Azechi (1902 - 1999)
Rare sosaku hanga series
Bid: $145.00
Buy: $195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 9m245343
Takao Sano (born 1941)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $55.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 8m245283
Shuzo Ikeda (1922 - 2004)
Great contemporary print by Watanabe
Bid: $35.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 2d 20h 7m245223
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Bid: $235.00
Buy: $285.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 6m245163
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $265.00
Buy: $325.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 5m245103
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 4m245043
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 3m244983
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $65.00
Buy: $90.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 2m244923
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 1m244863
Seikichi (active circa 1870s)
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 20h 0m244803
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 19h 59m244743
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Great design, rare
Bid: $245.00
Buy: $295.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 19h 58m244683
Bid: $205.00
Buy: $255.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 19h 57m244623
Kobayashi Gentaro
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 19h 56m244563
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $215.00
Buy: $265.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 19h 55m244503
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Charming design
Bid: $165.00
Buy: $215.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 2d 19h 54m244443
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Fixed Price
Meiji era artist (not read)
Fixed Price
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Kunisada II (1823 - 1880)
Fixed Price
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Adachi Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Nice series, rarely seen
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Adachi Publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Beautiful Adachi published reprint
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Rarely seen Hokusai bridge series
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Takamizawa publisher reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Hodo publishing reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Gihachi Okuyama Nippon Wood-prints Studio reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Gihachi Okuyama Nippon Wood-prints Studio reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Gihachi Okuyama Nippon Wood-prints Studio reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Gihachi Okuyama Nippon Wood-prints Studio reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Gihachi Okuyama Nippon Wood-prints Studio reprint
Fixed Price
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $295.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 21h 32m163923
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 31m163863
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 30m163803
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 29m163743
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 28m163683
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 27m163623
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 26m163563
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $135.00
Buy: $185.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 25m163503
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $240.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 24m163443
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 23m163383
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 22m163323
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 21m163263
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 20m163203
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $180.00
Buy: $240.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 19m163143
Gekko (1859 - 1920)
Lovely series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $130.00
Buy: $180.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 18m163083
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 17m163023
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 16m162963
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 15m162903
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 14m162843
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 13m162783
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 12m162723
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 11m162663
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 10m162603
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $50.00
Buy: $70.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 9m162543
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Standard Auction
Item Closed
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 7m162423
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 6m162363
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 5m162303
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 4m162243
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 3m162183
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 2m162123
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 1m162063
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $50.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 21h 0m162003
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1825.00
Buy: $2195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 59m161943
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1825.00
Buy: $2195.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 58m161883
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1635.00
Buy: $1965.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 57m161823
Yoshitoshi (1839 - 1892)
Bid: $1635.00
Buy: $1965.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 56m161763
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 55m161703
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 54m161643
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 53m161583
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 52m161523
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 51m161463
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $525.00
Buy: $635.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 50m161403
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $345.00
Buy: $425.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 49m161343
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915)
Lovely beauty series, beautiful color and detail
Bid: $345.00
Buy: $425.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 48m161283
Sadanobu II (1848 - 1940)
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $355.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 47m161223
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $355.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 46m161163
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $160.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 20h 45m161103
Kunichika (1835 - 1900)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 44m161043
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 43m160983
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 42m160923
Yoshiiku (1833 - 1904)
Bid: $80.00
Buy: $120.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 41m160863
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 40m160803
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 39m160743
Sadatora (active circa 1818 - 1844)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 38m160683
Toyokuni I (1769 - 1825)
Bid: $100.00
Buy: $140.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 37m160623
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Lovely Edo era triptych
Bid: $350.00
Buy: $430.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 36m160563
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $120.00
Buy: $170.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 35m160503
Toyokuni II (1777 - 1835)
Fine large beauty portrait
Bid: $360.00
Buy: $440.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 34m160443
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Excellent Yokohama-e design
Bid: $510.00
Buy: $620.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 33m160383
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Beautiful color and detail
Bid: $455.00
Buy: $545.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 32m160323
Yoshiharu (1828 - 1888)
Great musha-e print
Bid: $360.00
Buy: $440.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 31m160263
Yoshikazu (active circa 1850 - 1870)
Great musha-e print
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $365.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 30m160203
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $270.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 29m160143
Kuniyoshi (1797 - 1861)
Bid: $220.00
Buy: $270.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 28m160083
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 27m160023
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 26m159963
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 25m159903
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 24m159843
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 23m159783
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 22m159723
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 21m159663
Yoshitora (active circa 1836 - 1887)
Bid: $90.00
Buy: $130.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 20m159603
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $295.00
Buy: $365.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 19m159543
Shufu Miyamoto (born 1950)
Breathtaking Miyamoto with fantastic mica detail, see photos
Bid: $395.00
Buy: $475.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 18m159483
Shufu Miyamoto (born 1950)
Bid: $550.00
Buy: $670.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 17m159423
Tsutomo Shimoyama (born 1945)
Fantastic, limited edition contemporary design
Bid: $470.00
Buy: $560.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 16m159363
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
Fantastic Joshua Rome snow scene
Bid: $925.00
Buy: $1115.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 15m159303
Joshua Rome (born 1953)
Bid: $765.00
Buy: $935.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 14m159243
20th century artist (not read)
Interesting uncut print sheet
Bid: $40.00
Buy: $60.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 13m159183
Tasaburo Takahashi (1904 - 1977)
Bid: $35.00
Buy: $45.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 12m159123
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 11m159063
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 10m159003
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 9m158943
Hiromitsu Nakazawa (1874 - 1964)
Lovely shin-hanga landscape series
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 8m158883
Eiji Ikema
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 7m158823
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 6m158763
Taku Harada
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 5m158703
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 4m158643
Eisen (1790 - 1848)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 3m158583
Hayashi Motoharu (1858 - 1903)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 2m158523
Meiji era artist (unsigned)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 1m158463
Edo era artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 20h 0m158403
Kunitoshi (1847 - 1899)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 19h 59m158343
Shuntei Miyagawa (1873 - 1914)
Bid: $29.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 1d 19h 58m158283
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 19h 57m158223
Kunisada (1786 - 1864)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 19h 56m158163
Shin-hanga & Modern artist (not read)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 19h 55m158103
Hiroshige (1797 - 1858)
Bid: $29.99
Buy: $37.99
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 1d 19h 54m158043
Hajime Namiki (born 1947)
Fixed Price
Hajime Namiki (born 1947)
Fixed Price
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hasui (1883 - 1957)
Fixed Price
Tsuchiya Koitsu (1870 - 1949)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Toshi Yoshida (1911 - 1995)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Hodo publishing reprint
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fine Hodo publishing reprint
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Item Closed
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Hokusai (1760 - 1849)
Fixed Price
Iwata Sentaro (1901 - 1974)
Lovely shin-hanga beauty
Bid: $1550.00
Buy: $1865.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 21h 48m78483
Natori Shunsen (1886 - 1960)
Lovely shin-hanga beauty
Bid: $1165.00
Buy: $1395.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 21h 47m78423
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Bid: $325.00
Buy: $405.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 0
Ends: 21h 46m78363
Takehisa Yumeji (1884 - 1934)
Bid: $325.00
Standard Auction
Bids: 1
Ends: 21h 45m78303